Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Continuation: Star Fleet: ACTA

We have decided to start back up after a break with war gaming in general. After growing dissatisfied with Games Workshop in general we decided that for the next few months we will give Star Fleet: A Call to Arms another try. We had gotten on board right when the game released and it was clear that it still required some play testing, ship erratas were coming down every week or so and so we set it aside at the time. There was also a incredible dysfunction with acquiring the models and original quality of their models that ultimately left a bad taste in our mouth. However, after a year and half break from it we have returned with renewed vigor. So, the first priority was had was getting back into the swing of things. We wanted to continue with our campaign that we had played a grand total of one game so we decided to pick up where we left off and also agreed to allow the redesign of our fleet lists. However, before did that, we sat down and effectively played a non-campaign skirmish game. The following is a battle report of that game.

Scenario: A Call to Arms
Celes Sector - Federation Territory (more on this to follow)
Star Date:

The following battle was not part of our official campaign. Since we have not played in a while we both agreed that this should not count. We still allowed ships to earn experience but damage would not be persistent and prestige was not won or lost. We agreed on a simple 500pt intensity and did not roll for +/- 10%.

The Klingon Fleet:
2x D6s - Famine / Plague
2x F5s - Indulgence / Pompous

Federation Fleet:1 CA - Graf Spree
1 NCA - Hoplite
1 OCL - Waterloo

Turn 1:

First turn saw the Klingons win initiative so Federation moved first and simply moved straight ahead. Unsure of the opening turn, the general order was for intensifying defensive firepower. However, the Klingons closed with their two F5s and a D6 so they were pretty much in disruptor range from turn one on. The Plague, broke away and went to the far left flank of the Federation line. The Klingons boosted shields on the F5s and the D6s did nothing.

Shooting saw an exchange of long range Phaser fire from the Federation ships and long range disruptor fire from the Klingons. Very little damage was done to the Klingons because of the boosted shields. A few strikes cut through but little else. The Klingons fire however proved more effective as quite a few disruptors got through the shields. The Waterloo took an Impulse drive hit as did the Hoplite. During the end phase, the Hoplite managed to repair its engines, the Waterloo did not, a theme that would remain consistent throughout the entire game.

Turn 2:

Second turn started and once again the Klingon Empire won the initiative. Already in Disruptor range, the Federation moved forward again, pushing the OCL in close and opening up for attack but it went on evasive action. The rest of the movement revolved around this opening move as the Famine, Pompous, and Indulgence all moved and closed in on the Waterloo. The Federation closed ranks as well with the Hoplite, and then the Graf Spree moved in and set its photon torpedoes on overload. This would allowed the federation to dump the entire fleet's photon strength on the Famine. The Plague was still on the extreme left flank and turned to rejoin the battle. The Pompous was able to overload its disruptors.

The ensuing close range fire fight ultimately saw the Federation come off the better as the Waterloo took a hammering but still came out uncrippled and with shields. It suffered weapon and shield damage but otherwise, was still in action. The Indulgence was battered and the Famine was crippled from multiple photon strikes. Even against their forward shields, at close range, the D6 was hammered by Phaser fire and torpedoes. It was here that fortune shifted in favor of the Federation as the Famine would drift past the Federation fleet, crippled. Multiple fires had broken out but expert damage control saw them all put out and damage system repaired. The Hoplite had suffered damage to her Impulse drive but was able to repair it while the Waterloo still could do nothing about anything as it was just in the fight to take a beating.

Turn 3:
The Federation won initiative and pushed forward, trying to get past the F5s, but the Klingons back pedaled and turned, keeping the Federation in their front arcs. The Waterloo boosted its shields, determined to hang around while both the Hoplite and Graf Spree reloaded torpedos. The Famine shifted all remaining power to the warp engines and was preparing to jump out of the combat zone. The Plague set itself on a pursuit course of the Federation fleet. Now well behind all three ships, it would focus its fire on the Hoplite as the F5s continued to hammer on the Waterloo. All Federation ships were reduced to Phasers only.

The F5s were turned to face the Federation fleet and engaged with close range Disruptors and Phaser fire. We forgot that one of the F5s went on evasive action so when it was attacked, we didnt take in the negative modifiers. This could have changed the outcome, but instead it was damaged and subsequently crippled. The Federation focused on the F5s now, sending only what was left against the Plague. In the end, the Hoplite took a bit of damage from the Plague and the Waterloo was still hanging tough as it weathered the attacks of the F5 and was still uncrippled. The Graf Spree only suffered one point of shield loss.

Turn 4:
At this point there was a real sense that the battle had shifted. The Klingons had damaged one Federation light cruiser badly, and the new heavy cruiser a little. While the Klingons had two crippled ships and the second F5 near cripple point. The Federation won initiative again and it was a point that the Klingon Empire could not afford it.

Movement became more critical then ever, the Klingon player closed on both the Waterloo and Hoplite as I continued to move them away. They ignored the undamaged Graf Spree. Both Federation ships boosted shields to try and stay alive. Noticing that the Plague, which to this point was relatively undamaged, had moved in such a way that the Graf Spree was out of its forward arc, initiated a High Energy Turn. It was close to both F5s and completed a 135 degree turn. The Graf Spree now stood alone against the advancing Klingon Fleet.

With initiative to the Federation the Graf Spree unloaded everything it had. Its previously recharged photons nearly obliterated the D6's shields, phaser fire crippled the Pompous, and a drone fire caused more damage to the already crippled Indulgence. It was not without its cost though as the D6 opened fire upon the Hoplite who had no time to set defensive fire. While its phasor and disruptor fire was anticipated, the drones slipped past the tractor beams and slammed into hull after its shields had been completely reduced. The Hoplite was now dangerously close to crippled, with system damage across the board, and no shields. The Waterloo was finally crippled by combined fire from crippled F5s. Damage control saw little in the way of repairing systems, especially from the Federation who failed on both the Waterloo and Hoplite.

Turn 5:
During initiative, Captain Bennett of the Graf Spree extended a ceasefire offer to the Klingons. The Hoplite and Waterloo could not escape and it was almost certain that one of the cruisers would be destroyed. The Graf Spree had only taken a single point of damage to its shields, meanwhile the klingon fleet was not as lucky. The two F5s were just barely still in it, both crippled with only a few shield points left and even fewer hull points. Both would have likely been destroyed by the Graf Spree. The D6 could claim either the Waterloo or Hoplite, but to do so would have left it open against the Graf Spree which would have been in its rear arc for at least one turn. Its own shields dangerously low from the Photon strike, It would not have survived a duel with the Constitution. The Plague agreed and both Fleets disengaged and went to warp.

It was late and we did not really have enough time to finish out the game and neither of us particularly wanted to lose any of these ships. We had already agreed that any ship would still get experience for the encounter but it would still be an unofficial engagement. This was the first engagement we have had when neither side has lost a vessel, though three were very close to being destroyed. The Famine left so early because it was effectively out of combat, and would have only risked destruction.

Further information to come on our campaign as I said, we are both redesigning our fleet lists. Some of the ships will be the same and those with experience will be retained. Thanks for reading!