Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Return - Starfleet: ACTA

Greetings and Salutations!

Finally getting around to blowing off the dust on this thing. Grossly fell behind due to a shake up in gaming and concentration on D&D. However around November I stumbled upon a very interesting game and have since jumped completely into it.

Starfleet: A Call to Arms

 The link will take you to the Mongoose Publishing Site for the Models. It should be set to the US store but if your prices start coming up in British Pounds, well it should give you a pretty good clue as to which store you are ACTUALLY in! However, if you are interested in saving a few bucks, the following site is a second party provider of the merchandise at a discounted rate effectively

The Warstore

This site provides excellent customer service and excellent response and turn around times for generally all products he carries. I recommend him. Of course nothing is stopping you from buying from the manufacturer directly. They had some serious problems initially in getting their product out however they seemed to have righted their ship. The models are all pewter now and are of a really good quality. (Will have pictures of these within the coming days. Promises, promises...)


Now that the lead-in is over, my friend and I will be conducting a campaign. His models should be arriving before the week is out. The bulk of my fleet has arrived and is currently being assembled in the dockyards for service. We settled on 2800 points to begin with and will go from there.

Our Fleets look like this:

United Federation of Planets             Klingon Empire           

Prince Edward Kirov Admiral Kacang C8
Gettysburg Ramius Void Wolf C7
Berlin Ramius Crimson Star C7
Stalingrad Ramius War Bear C7
Carabello Burke Retribution D7C
Halifax Burke Soulblade D5W
Opaskie Burke Rebel D5
Graf Spree Constitution Reaver D5
St. Lo Constitution Reaper D5
Trafalgar Constitution Plague D6
Intrepid Wolverine Famine D6
Yamamato Federation Carnage D6
Gotland New Jersey Fury F5
Augustus Prometheus Pompous F5
Hammersmith Texas Indulgence F5
Johnstown Texas Exuberance F5
Victoria Texas

Waterloo Texas

The Federation is sporting a few more Frigates then the Klingons but I think their speed and agility will add a nice compliment to the Federation cruisers. I also found that the Texas were a tough little  ship(even if a bit strange looking) for their point cost. The Hammersmith has served me well in several battles. When you are looking at these two lists, the ships that are bold are Veteran ships. My friend and I have been playing several games prior to setting up this campaign so those ships have already seen combat and have earned upgrades or ship crew improvements. They are the seasoned fighters that our newly established combat groups are built around.

This weekend we hope to get our fleets assembled, possibly even get a match in which Ill have posted here with pictures I promise. Ill go into greater details on the campaign rules later in the week. As we were going over them we get the initial impression that they will be fun and compliment the game well. All in all they should give us some good continual story line driven games. Especially as most battle damage incurred during a game isnt automatically repaired! (a tid bit).